Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Book of Mormon Was Written for Us

During Sunday School today, a certain verse in the Book of Mormon caught my attention. Moroni wrote this:

"Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing."
Mormon 8:35

As with other prophets, Moroni saw our day. He is speaking to us, those who read the book! With the audience (us) in mind, Moroni, Mormon, and other prophets wrote down their revelations, prophesies, and the events that transpired around them. What better book to read than one written for you, personally?

Not only does this verse clearly state that he was speaking to us "as if [we] were present," but it also tells us that the Lord showed us and our day to him. When he warns us about the snare of pride, it is because he can see the influence of pride all around us and its evidence in our own lives.

So we should read the Book of Mormon because it is God's word through his chosen prophets to us today, in our own time. It speaks to me. It speaks to you. In the same way that the Bible was written for the Jews, the Book of Mormon was written (according to the title page) for "Jew and Gentile"--which includes you and me.

There are links on the side bar of this blog to get your own free copy of the Book of Mormon.

Oh, one last insight that I had from this verse today. Moroni and other prophets saw our day; they saw us and knew what we are like. Let us not forget the more important truth that God knows us perfectly. He always sees us and knows more than just our actions; he knows our intentions and thoughts. If we always keep in mind that God is watching us, we are bound to behave in a more righteous manner in our day to day activities. We are also more likely to heed counsel that comes to us from His chosen servants, the prophets.

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