Sunday, December 21, 2008

Matthew 13:11-12 Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables?

Often we think of parables as unclear, difficult ways to teach or understand important doctrines? If the Savior knew that some people would not understand his parables, why did he then choose to teach this way? When his disciples asked him why he taught in parables, this was his response, as recorded in the New Testament Book of Matthew:
"He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.
For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath."
Matthew 13:11-12

Basically, verse 11 tells us that Jesus did not want everyone to understand what he was teaching. If his teachings are important doctrines, required for salvation, then why wouldn't he want everyone to understand them? Verse 12 reveals his reasoning. He wants to "give" this additional knowledge and understanding to those who "have" some already, or in other words, to those who are already learning his doctrine and making an honest effort to know more, he will give more. This is probably along the lines of not throwing pearls to swine.

Jesus continues by explaining that with those who don't have any (including those who have some but are not doing anything to further increase it), the little that they have is more than they should have, so nothing will be given them, rather what they have will be taken away. This is such a truth in our lives!

If we want to understand one of Jesus's parables, we need to put in some effort- just like the Jews. Many of the Jews heard Jesus speak and faithlessly disbelieved or tried to discredit his teachings. He was not there to teach these disbelievers. He was there to teach the faithful, those who would take the time to study and understand his parables. It makes perfect sense. So, if you want to understand what Jesus was teaching, take the time to prayerfully study it. In our time, we can find many resources on the internet and in books that will also help us understand, but not without effort.

Keep in mind, the truth that Jesus taught about receiving knowledge in general. If we want to continue progressing spiritually, we can't stop studying the scriptures! If we do, it "shall be taken away even that [we] hath." And as we continue studying, it will be given to us, little by little, to understand the doctrines and teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

So keep studying the scriptures and learning- there will always be more you can learn!

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