Sunday, February 8, 2009

Families Can Live Together Forever = Eternal Families

To most of us who have families, it rings true and seems only natural that one of the greatest rewards we could hope to receive in heaven would be having our families there with us. I know I love my family and I can think of nothing I want more than to spend eternity with my wife and our family!

Here's the dilemma for most people: When they are married, the words pronounced in their marriage ceremony is "til death do you part" or "as long as you both shall live." Why? This is because the person performing the marriage does not have the power or authority to bind in heaven what he is binding on earth. He has power only on earth.

God loves us more than I could ever express in a blog post and as a loving father, he wants us to be eternally happy. That means being with those we love. Think of it, living forever without those you love here on earth would be hell, not heaven. This is why God has prepared a way for us to be together forever with our families. This power is priesthood power, or power delegated by God to men. God gave this power to Peter and others in the New Testament:

"And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Matthew 16:19

Other problem: This priesthood authority that Peter and the other apostles were given was lost in the Great Apostacy! The Great Apostacy is when the true gospel of Jesus Christ was taken from the earth because of wickedness. The Jews and Romans killed off all of the apostles who held this priesthood, and it was lost for centuries.

The solution: God in mercy and love has restored his Church, his gospel, and his priesthood in these latter days. Through his prophet, Joseph Smith, in the 19th Century, God restored his priesthood power to bind in heaven what was bound on earth. Now this sacred ordinance, known as sealing, is performed in holy temples throughout the world. What a blessing! I was able to be sealed to my wife in the St. George temple and this makes it possible for us to be together with our future family forever!!!

This blessing of being sealed to your family is available to EVERYONE who prepares themselves and is worthy to enter the temple. Questions? Feel free to comment on this post or invite missionaries to visit and share more about this with you by clicking here.

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