Thursday, March 5, 2009

What Are Our Priorities?

I just wanted to share a verse that I read 5 minutes ago and that hit me really hard:
"And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better."
D&C 25:10

Even though this was directed to Emma, I think it applies to all of us (if you don't believe me read verse 16). I've had a super busy week with hardly a second to breathe, so when I read this verse it made me ponder about my life for a minute. School is important; Work is important; ASM (the Association for Systems Management) is important. But they are all things of this world. How easy it is to set our focus and main attention on the things of this world when the things of a better are what will bring us happiness and eternal joy.

Life is busy for all of us- I know I'm not the only one. Sometimes all of these good things that keep us busy in our lives are also distracting us from those that really matter. Let us keep our focus on the things of a better world as we go about our busy lives!

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