Monday, April 4, 2011

Do Infants Need to be Baptized?

The answer to whether we need to baptize our infants is no. In the Book of Mormon, the prophet Mormon uses very clear terms to explain to his son, Moroni, that baptism is not necessary for children (Moroni 8).

Mormon inquired of the Lord concerning the baptism of children and the response of the Lord was, "Behold, I came into the world not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance; the whole need no physician, but they that are sick; wherefore, little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin;" (Moroni 8:8). Mormon then explains that "it is solemn mockery before God, that ye should baptize little children."

Mormon continues:

"19 Little children cannot repent; wherefore, it is awful wickedness to deny the pure mercies of God unto them, for they are all alive in him because of his mercy. 
 20 And he that saith that little children need baptism denieth the mercies of Christ, and setteth at naught the atonement of him and the power of his redemption." (Moroni 8:19-20)
Since baptism is unto repentance, it makes sense that babies should not need baptism because they are innocent and incapable of sin.

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