Sunday, May 27, 2012

President Monson - As We Gather Once Again

April 2012 General Conference Saturday Morning (link to the talks)

President Monson - As We Gather Once Again 
The purpose of General Conference is to "strengthen one another, to extend encouragement, to provide comfort, to build faith. We are here to learn." We can all "be enlightened and uplifted and comforted as the Spirit of the Lord is felt." General Conference brings the Spirit more fully into our lives and helps us make necessary changes by inspiring us with greater incentive and courage. It helps us live worthily and "oppose evil wherever it is found."  

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Prayer and Scripture Study

Some great scriptures on prayer and scripture study (from DTG pg38):
James 1:5-6 - James taught that if we have a question for God and ask in faith he will give us the wisdom we seek.
Alma 34:17-28 - Amulek teaches us that we should call upon God to be merciful with us. We should pray over anything and everything and whenever we can.
3 Nephi 18:15-21 - Jesus taught the Nephites to pray always in order to overcome the temptations of the devil. Also to pray for our families that they might be blessed. Anything we ask, believing, will be given to us.
Moroni 10:3-5 - Moroni's promise is: read the scriptures, ponder them, and then pray in faith to receive a manifestation by the Holy Ghost that they are true.
Helaman 3:29-30 - Mormon adds his observation and testimony as he abridges the records that if we "lay hold" of the word of God (scriptures), we will be able to overcome the adversary.
D&C 18:33-36 - The Lord explains that when you read the scriptures, it is His voice you're hearing as if he is speaking directly to you.
D&C 84:85 - The Lord promises that if you study the scriptures (treasure it up in your hearts), He will provide you with the words you need at the time you need them as you teach and bare testimony.