Sunday, July 8, 2012

Restoration of the Priesthood

Why was a restoration necessary? 

In the words of Elder Nelson of the 12 Apostles: "Not long thereafter, the Savior was crucified. Even before the early Apostles completed their labors, the Apostasy began. It occurred, as prophesied, when teachings of men with priesthood keys were rejected and sacred ordinances were defiled."

The scriptures - especially the New Testament - are full of prophesies and evidence of a great apostasy, which occurred following the death of Jesus Christ and while his Apostles were being killed by non-believers. See Apostasy in The Guide to the Scriptures for specific references. When this apostasy occurred, priesthood authority was taken from the earth.

This priesthood authority cannot be obtained by studying the scriptures or by any means other than receiving it from someone who also has the Priesthood. The Bible teaches this in Hebrews 5:4 when Paul explains the Priesthood must be obtained the same way Aaron obtained it (which was from Moses by the laying on of hands). So with the priesthood authority being taken from the earth as a result of apostasy, ordinances such as baptism could no longer be performed by the necessary authority. A restoration was necessary.

When was the Priesthood restored?
The Aaronic priesthood was restored by John the Baptist - who had baptized Jesus Christ with this authority - to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on May 15, 1829 (see D&C 13).

How was the Priesthood restored? 
As mentioned above John the Baptist was sent to Joseph and Oliver in answer to their prayer concerning the Priesthood authority and baptism. John restored the Priesthood to them by the laying on of hands, similar to how Aaron received the Priesthood from Moses in the Old Testament.

Later the Melchizedek Priesthood was similarly restored to Joseph and Oliver by the hands of Peter, James and John, who were Apostles of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

What does this mean for me and my family?
Because the Priesthood has been restored in this dispensation, I have been blessed with the opportunity to bear and exercise this power. This allows me to serve others, especially my family, through the administration of blessings as well as sacred ordinances. The restoration of the Priesthood was also accompanied - though at a later date - by the restoration of the sealing keys. This has allowed me to be sealed to my wonderful wife and baby girl as an eternal family, sealed in heaven as it is on earth, through the same power that Jesus bestowed upon Peter in Matthew 16:18-19. The ordinances of salvation are again available to all, including me and my family because the proper authority (the Priesthood) has been restored to the earth!

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