Saturday, January 26, 2013

Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon

Scripture Chain: What the Doctrine and Covenants Teaches about the Book of Mormon

D&C 1:29
Takeaway: This book was TRANSLATED by the power of God. Not a religious book written by a modern day church leader. Not an ancient book translated by linguists. This was translated by God's power, so the translation is perfect.

D&C 20:8–15
Takeaway: The words of the Book of Mormon were given to prophets through inspiration of God. As we read these words, they are confirmed to us by the same power, here described as the "ministering of angels." The Spirit not only proves to our hearts that the Book of Mormon is true, but it also proves to our hearts that Joseph Smith (translator) was a prophet of God, inspired by God and called to his holy work in this dispensation. God never changes and has always spoken to his people through living prophets as well as scripture - why wouldn't he do so now? This book that we've been given will witness for our against us at the judgment day, so receive it with faith and work righteousness so that you can receive your celestial crown!

D&C 3:18–20
Takeaway: Another purpose of the Book of Mormon is to convert the descendants of the Lamanites, who are the house of Manasseh. I believe this can be applied to all those throughout the world that are yet to have His true gospel. 

D&C 33:16
Takeaway: One of the purposes of the book is to be instructed by God through reading it. Not just by the words that are written by but the Spirit which instructs.

D&C 17:6
Takeaway: Testimony from God that the Book of Mormon is true. Also alludes to the fact that some of the book has yet to be translated. More to come!

D&C 42:12
Takeaway: The Book of Mormon with the Bible contains the FULNESS of the gospel, so it should be used in our teaching.

D&C 19:26–27
Takeaway: Martin Harris isn't the only one that should sacrifice for the Book of Mormon. Our sacrifice will not likely be financial, but we should dedicate our time to studying it.

D&C 84:54–58
Takeaway: Vanity and unbelief have resulted from treating lightly the Book of Mormon (not studying it). If we are not willing to receive the word of God as he gives it to us, it will be to our own condemnation. 
So why is reading the Book of Mormon so important? To list a few reasons:
(1) It strengthens our faith and testimony because of the Spirit we feel
(2) It allows us to be taught by God (both through the text and the Spirit)
(3) It was inspired by God for us
(4) It will help us achieve our goal of Eternal Life for it contains the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
(5) God wants us to read it (in large part for the reasons mentioned)

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