Friday, March 29, 2013

How Can the Atonement Help Me During My Trials?

What can we learn from the scriptures about this?
Matthew 11:28–30; Christ promises us that if we "come unto" Him, he will give us rest by sharing our burden. He also offers to let us take his yoke upon us so that we might find "rest unto [our] souls." We know that his yoke, or work, is to bring about the "immortality and eternal life of man," so if we embark with the same yoke, or work, we are also promised rest. I don't think he means physical rest, but rather an inner peace.
Philippians 4:13; This is true. Christ can give us the strength to do all things.
1 Nephi 17:3; The promise that if we're obedient to God, he will nourish and strengthen us so that we can accomplish everything we need to do.
Helaman 5:12We need to build our "foundations" upon Christ. He is the solid rock that will keep us safe and steady during hard times. It isn't "if" but "when" hard times come that we will need to have our Savior's help to make it through. And if we've built our foundation on Christ we "cannot fail."
D&C 68:6We should not fear for we have Jesus Christ with us at our side.

Mosiah 24:8–17; When Alma and his people were in bondage, they had great trials as slaves to the wicked Lamanites and in particular Amulon. They poured out their hearts to God for relief and he responded. He promised to deliver them out of bondage, and in the meantime, he "eased their burdens" so that they "could not feel them." After their burdens were made light, they submitted cheerfully to the will of the Lord and continued in their trials. Because of "their faith and their patience" the Lord caused a miracle to occur so that they could escape from bondage. This can apply to us in so many ways - from tough trials beyond our control to the bondage of sin (which is also a tough trial, though self-inflicted). Regardless of the cause of our trials, we can turn to the Lord and through his atonement be helped so that our burdens may be lighter.

Alma 7:11–13 ; the "power of his deliverance" comes from the atonement where Jesus Christ suffered "pains, afflictions and temptations of every kind" and took upon him the "pains and sicknesses of his people" so that "his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." He suffered everything so that he could understand our trials, fears, temptations, pains, sins, sicknesses, etc so that he can help us with everything we go through. (See also Isaiah 53:3-5 and D&C 19:16-19)

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