Tuesday, September 11, 2012

3 Nephi 21:10

In 3 Nephi 21:10, the Savior appears to be talking about the Prophet Joseph Smith. I think it is interesting that Joseph would be "marred" because of the wicked people, but the Lord then follows that up with "Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil." Similar to each of us, the Prophet Joseph had times where he was humbled and had to repent and rely on the healing power of the atonement. None of us are perfect, and sometimes our stumbles turn out to be a blessing in our lives and in the lives of others because they allow us to more fully see God's hand in our lives. In this case with Joseph, the Lord was able to show his superior wisdom because although Joseph had lost the manuscript, the Lord had prepared for this incident by commanding Nephi to write the same important things upon the plates that his father had written. So a terrible mistake turned out to be a growth opportunity for the Prophet, who I'm sure needed it to prepare for his future experiences, a testimony builder for the Church, and a witness to those who oppose it that they cannot hinder God's work.

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