Friday, June 28, 2019

Lovest Thou Me More Than These?

After the death and resurrection of the Savior, some of the Apostles returned to what they were doing when the Savior first found them - fishing. Peter and the other fishermen loved fishing, which is presumably why they chose to make a career of it. Maybe they imagined their ministry had concluded, so they could "retire" and go back to their love of fishing. It's hard to know.

The resurrected Savior found them fishing and felt the need to drive a point home to them while gathered around a campfire cooking, yes you guessed it, fish. Jesus motioned to the fish and asked Peter, "Lovest thou me more than these?"

I'm sure that Jesus was disappointed to find the Apostles fishing instead of helping Him with his work and glory. They could have been out strengthening the struggling disciples, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, and serving their fellowmen. Had they forgotten and moved on so quickly?

"Do you love me more than the things of the world? More than your vocation, hobbies, and passions?" was the question.

With sincerity the answer came "Yes, Lord", to which the Master responded three times "Feed my lambs... feed my sheep... feed my sheep."

The Lord was very clear that the priority of his disciples should not be entertainment or employment. The top priority and focus of our lives should be ministering to his lambs and sheep and building His Kingdom.

Do you love God more than these things?

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