Wednesday, June 26, 2019

On the Road to Emmaus

Two Disciples walk and dine with the resurrected Lord as recorded in Luke 24:13-35. What can we learn from this account?

What were these disciples doing at the time they encountered Jesus?
The disciples were discussing and pondering the events of and leading up to the Savior's crucifixion. This is why the Lord "drew near and went with them." As we talk of and ponder about the Savior, we invite him to draw near to us as well.

How did Jesus teach them?
First, he has asked a good open-ended question that allowed the disciples to share what they knew. Then, he met them where they were and expounded the scriptures unto them. He taught the prophesies of the prophets concerning His resurrection and helped them to understand. Our own teaching should be patterned after the Savior; teach people not lessons by starting where they are.

How did the disciples respond to His teachings?
As Jesus was about to depart, "they constrained him, saying, abide with us." They sought for Him to be with them. Do we seek for the Savior to stay with us? Do we make every effort to keep Him with us?

How did they feel when with the Savior?
The scripture describes it best: "Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?" This burning of their heart is a manifestation of the Holy Ghost, which testifies of truth and testifies of Christ, who is truth. The Holy Ghost can be manifested in many ways, but it is commonly described as a burning within. When we study the scriptures or have spiritual experiences, the Holy Ghost testifies to us of truth, and we feel it inside.

What were they doing when the Savior revealed Himself to them?
Their eyes were opened, and they realized it was the Savior when he "took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them." Similarly, the Savior will reveal Himself to us as we worthily partake of the sacrament each week. We'll feel his love and know that he is there.

What did they do after learning it was the Savior?
The disciples "rose up that same hour, and returned to Jerusalem" to tell the other disciples and the Apostles that they had seen the resurrected Lord. They had gained a testimony and needed to share it with others. As we are converted to the Lord, we also have a desire to share our testimony with others and to help them become converted.

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