Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Plant Christ in Your Heart

 I've read Alma 32 and 33 many times before, but this time was different.

Alma elegantly teaches about faith with the familiar metaphor of planting and nourishing a seed. The first step isn't belief but a desire to believe. As chapter 33 begins, the people respond with, "that's a cool analogy, and the fruit sounds awesome, but what word are you talking about that we should be planting?" (paraphrasing a bit)

Alma then teaches them all about "the word" (another name for Christ) with a beautiful sermon about about Jesus Christ, pulling from the words of Zenos & Zenock and referencing Moses' example of the serpent on the staff. Then what hit me today was that after these powerful teachings about the Savior, Alma mic drops and says, "this is the word you should plant."

If you're ever struggling with your faith and wondering how to "get started" with just a "desire to believe", the word you need to plant in your heart is Jesus Christ. Focus on Him, learn of Him, and "look and live."

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