Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Day 1 of #100daysofJesus - Simeon at the Temple

I have a friend who recently completed a #100daysoflearning challenge in data science. Inspired by her endeavor, and by what I felt in #GeneralConference this weekend, I am going to start my own #100daysofJesus challenge to see what I can learn.

DAY 1 of #100daysofJesus

As a devout Jew, Simeon waited his entire life for the Messiah to come redeem His people. A spiritual experience revealed to Simeon that he would see the Messiah before tasting of death, and so he waited.

I picture him waking each morning hoping that special day had finally arrived. I'm sure he felt discouraged at times as his aged body struggled and as he recognized his remaining days on this earth were numbered. The very thought of beholding the Messiah is likely what kept him going day in and day out. It gave him hope.

One such morning, he was led by the Spirit to the temple, where he likely spent a good deal of his time. He saw a very young, unrecognizable couple visiting the temple with their newborn son to make customary sacrifices. This was likely a sight he'd seen thousands of time. But something was different this time.

The Spirit opened Simeon's eyes and he recognized the Christ child in the arms of his mother. In a much anticipated moment that must have seemed surreal, he held the baby in his arms and gave thanks to God. He could now depart this life in peace with the assurance that His Savior had come to redeem his people, and to redeem him.

Before Joseph and Mary could move on with their ceremony, they received blessings from Simeon and marveled at what may have been the final prophesy of his devout life:

"...mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; a light to lighten the gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel!"

As we think of Jesus Christ, can we also feel that same joy that must have filled Simeon's heart that day? Jesus brought the hope of salvation to Simeon, and He brings that same hope to ALL who will believe and follow Him.


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