Saturday, January 9, 2016

In Which Tree of Life Group Do You Want to Be?

In Lehi's vision in 1 Nephi 8, he sees and describes four different multitudes of people striving to reach the tree of life and partake of its fruit. Each multitude can represent a different group of people in our day, and the distinctions between the groups is instructive.

Group 1: Lost Their Way in the Mists of Darkness
In 1 Nephi 8:21-23, the first group was "pressing forward that they might obtain the path which led unto the tree." Like all of us, they were seeking for the truth, trying to find the right path for their lives to obtain happiness and salvation. But unfortunately, as they did "commence in the path that led to the tree,...there arose a mist of darkness" that caused them to "lose their way." Because of this mist, they "wandered off and were lost."

From the interpretation given by the angel in 1 Nephi 12:17, we learn that "the mists of darkness are the temptations of the devil, which blindeth the eyes, and hardeneth the hearts of the children of men, and leadeth away into broad roads, that they perish and are lost." This interpretation helps us understand that the first group of people are those who seek the truth, but fall into temptation and lose their way before they are able to achieve their goal. This group never tastes of fruit and does not achieve baptism to make covenants with God.

Group 2: Partook of the Fruit and Were Ashamed
In 1 Nephi 8:24-28,34, the second group was able to overcome the temptations or mists of darkness by "clinging to the rod of iron." This group, like the first, had an interest in following the path that leads to the tree of life; however, by clinging to the word of God (the iron rod) or scriptures and teachings of modern prophets, they are able to navigate the world of temptation successfully without losing their way. Because of their diligence, they are able to partake of the fruit. These are baptized members of the church.

Unfortunately, there was a great and spacious building full of mocking, ridiculing people within earshot of the tree of life. After partaking of the fruit, the second group "cast their eyes about as if they were ashamed...because of those that were scoffing at them; and they fell away into forbidden paths and were lost." This is a lesson in enduring to the end. For members of the church, baptism and temple covenants are no guarantee of salvation. If we allow ourselves to give into peer pressure and focus on the things of this world, we are in danger of falling away. We need to learn how to resist the world and its enticements. This group has fallen into inactivity and no longer keeps the covenants they made at baptism.

Group 3: Partook of the Fruit and Heeded Not the Scorners
In 1 Nephi 8:30,33, the third group is the one of which we want to be part. Similar to the second group, the third group overcomes the temptations or mists of darkness by "continually holding fast to the rod of iron" until they are able to partake of the fruit. This group also notices the great and spacious building full of scorning, mocking people, but the key difference is that this group "heeded them not."

I find it interesting that the group that succeeded actually faces the same challenges as the first two groups. No shortcut or easy path was taken to bypass the challenges and safely arrive at the tree. They experienced the same mists of darkness (temptation), had to persevere along the same straight and narrow path, and then had the same building of mocking people pointing and scorning them after they partook of the fruit. The difference is that this group clung to the word of God during their journey, and then chose to pay no attention to the scorners upon their arrival. They cared more about God's work than the world, more about what God thought of them than what the world thought of them. This group is able to experience the true joy that comes from the fruit of the gospel.

Group 4: Were Feeling their Way to the Great and Spacious Building
In 1 Nephi 8:31-33, the final group was less a group and actually described as "other multitudes." These were lost in the darkness "feeling their way towards the great and spacious building." Lehi says that "great was the multitude that did enter into that strange building" but also "many were drowned in the depths of the fountain" or "lost from his view, wandering in strange roads" while making their attempt towards the building. Those that arrived at the building successfully, immediately pointed "their finger of scorn" at those who were partaking of the fruit.

This group never even faced the challenge of holding to the rod or withstanding the world while partaking of the fruit. They never even desired the fruit. Their focus from the start was on getting to the great and spacious building. This group had the same opportunities, for surely they could have chosen the straight and narrow path, but they used their agency to choose misery and death. These are they who never look for happiness by giving God's gospel a chance. They look for joy in the pleasures of the world that are impossible to satisfy and then exacerbate their situation by mocking those who are on the right path, trying to make them miserable like unto themselves.

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