Thursday, January 21, 2021

Day 100 of #100daysofJesus

 DAY 100 of #100daysofJesus

Today I want to reflect on these past 100 days of learning more about Jesus.
I appreciate those who have followed these posts. The primary purpose for this 100-day challenge was for ME to learn more about and draw closer to the Savior, but I'm glad many of you were able to share in the journey.
During this challenge it has become even more clear to me that God has a plan for his children both collectively and individually.
The creation of the world, fall of Adam & Eve, Jesus' redemptive atonement, the calling of prophets, the restoration of the gospel and Jesus' church in the latter days, and the current efforts to gather scattered Israel are all key pieces of God's plan for humankind. The atonement of Jesus Christ is at the center with Jesus being the Cornerstone of the plan.
But there is also a plan for you and me as individuals, a plan of growth, progression, learning, choosing, covenanting, and becoming. We were created, we fall, we are redeemed, we receive divine guidance, we make eternal covenants, and then we assist Jesus in His work by gathering Israel. Again, Jesus' atonement is at the center, and it's His grace that makes it all possible.
It has become more obvious to me than ever before how much Jesus loves each of us. His love extends beyond suffering and dying for us so that we can have redemptive hope and second chances.
I love this artwork by David Bowman. Jesus offers us a hug when we need a hug. He is with us when we're sick, when we mourn, when we're tired and overwhelmed. Jesus is by our side when we struggle, and as we fall, and it's His hand that lifts us up again. We could not have a more loyal friend than Jesus.
There are dozens of examples of Jesus healing individuals in the scriptures. There are thousands of additional individuals of whom we don't have play-by-play accounts but whose healings are also mentioned. But not even 1% of His works were recorded. And that's just during his three year ministry!
But I don't believe the healing started then. I believe Adam's and Eve's hearts needed healing when Cain killed Abel. Abraham needed healing when he couldn't have a child and then again when he was asked to sacrifice his only son. Moses needed healing after killing an Egyptian and recognizing the oppression of his people. I could go on with Isaiah, Elijah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Lehi, Nephi, Alma and many others.
Nor do I believe that the healing stopped at the conclusion of Jesus' ministry. In fact, I've felt His healing hand over and over in my own life, and I've seen it in the lives of others.
I often feel wounded and hurt by my own shortcomings, sins, and weaknesses as a father, husband, and mortal. Jesus heals, lifts, comforts, and brings new hope each time.
I've come to better understand that Jesus, the Master Healer, the Great Physician, WANTS to heal us. Surely it is one of His greatest privileges of being our Savior - the ability to help and heal each one of us. It's not a burden but a pleasure, and rather than hesitate in seeking His help, we should RUN to Him for help every chance we get.
Story after story began with seemingly impossible hopelessness. Lazarus was dead. The leper had an incurable disease. The blind, deaf, and maimed had always been that way and could expect no change. The possessed had lost all control. The sick had no modern-day hospital to go to for relief. The fishermen fished all night but were skunked. There was not enough food to feed the hungry multitude. The billowing storm was about to sink the boat. Sarah was too old to get pregnant. Moses' people were trapped between the red sea and the world's greatest army.
I could go on, but you get the point.
In each story, Jesus performs miracles, and restores hope to the hopeless. This is a message for us!
He's done so for me in my life. He'll do so for you in your life.
Jesus brings hope to sinners that they can repent and reform, addicts that they can get sober and recover, prodigal children that they can return, and grieving families that they can be reunited with their deceased loved ones.
I love how Elder Jeffrey Holland says:
"However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines."
I love Jesus. And I am so so grateful for Him.
As this 100-day challenge concludes, my commitment to seeking Jesus and making intentional efforts to center my life on Him continues stronger than ever. I invite you to join me on that life-long journey.

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