Tuesday, January 5, 2021

DAY 88 of #100daysofJesus - Feed My Sheep

 DAY 88 of #100daysofJesus

Not long after Peter's three-time denial of Jesus, he and the other apostles were eating with Jesus, then a resurrected being.
Perhaps as a chance to make up for the three denials, Jesus gave Peter three opportunities to confess Him by asking him three times, "Simon Peter, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?"
Peter's remorse is evident in John's description that "Peter was grieved" and in Peter's third response, "thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee."
Yet I suspect the three confessions brought a reconciliating peace to Peter after his three denials only days earlier.
After each question by Jesus and answer by Peter, Jesus responded first with "Feed my lambs" and then twice with "Feed my sheep."
Jesus was passing the torch to Peter who would lead the Church and its missionary efforts. He was ensuring Peter knew the sacred trust placed in Him despite his past shortcomings. Jesus has always only had imperfect people to lead His Church, and that's OK.
I believe Jesus' questioning of Peter could also be an opportunity for our own introspection. How do WE answer the Lord's "lovest thou me?" and his subsequent request to feed his lambs/sheep?
This goes back to our willingness to look beyond ourselves and serve those around us. This may not come natural to us but it is necessary for our growth and progression.
Our own families, our neighbors, those for whom we have stewardship in our church callings, including ministering, our co-workers, our social media networks, and our larger communities are all places where we can feed God's lambs and sheep. We are surrounded daily with these opportunities.
And if you struggle to see opportunities for service, pray for your eyes to be opened to them. God will put people in your path when He trusts that you love Him enough to feed His lambs and sheep.
Service brings joy, love, and peace, and I believe we could all use a bit more of these in our lives.
(John 21:15-17)

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