Saturday, January 9, 2021

DAY 92 of #100daysofJesus - Jesus Appears to Mary

 DAY 92 of #100daysofJesus

Sunday morning had been horrible for Mary Magdalene, one of the most devoted of Jesus' disciples and someone who had loved him with all her heart.
Jesus had literally and spiritually saved her, and she had pledged her life and devotion to Him.
It was bad enough that the Jews had crucified her Lord and trusted friend, but why had they also stolen His body from its tomb?
From John's account, after alerting the other disciples and a investigating as best they could, the disciples returned home while Mary returned to the empty sepulcher to continue her mourning.
The past couple days had been an emotional rollercoaster for Mary, and the tears continued flowing that day.
As she again peered into the sepulcher, weeping, hoping beyond hope to see Jesus where he had lain the previous day, instead she saw "two angels, in white sitting...where the body of Jesus had lain."
After the brief encounter with the angels, confusion may have been added to her grief. What had happened here?
So, when she turned around and noticed the presence of an approaching man, she could not recognize him through her tears and "supposing him to be the gardener" she asks if he knows where Jesus' body has been taken.
And then, in one of the most beautiful moments of all history, Jesus says to her, "Mary."
One word. Her name. Mary.
Recognition floods her mind. Grief and confusion are replaced with joy and clarity, and she responds with the word "Rabboni" (master).
Mary was the first mortal to whom Jesus showed himself, but she would not be the last. And Jesus will come to any of us if we seek Him and learn to recognize Him, even through our tears and confusion.
Jesus is with us when we weep though we may not recognize Him at the time.
He is "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief... the chastisement of our peace was upon him" so that He could really "know according to the flesh how to succor [rush to the aid of] his people according to their infirmities."
Grief, sadness, and despair are all a normal part of life - feelings we will all experience during our mortal sojourn. During these times we often feel alone as our emotions can hijack us and hide reality.
But we are never truly alone. We are God's "work and glory" because we are his children. Pray to hear the voice of Jesus calling your name, and replacing your grief with joy, your confusion with clarity.
I believe in a resurrected Jesus Christ. A living Jesus who loves each of us so much that He gave His life for us. And now, He lives for each of us to help us because life is hard, and we cannot do it on our own. Trust Jesus!
(John 20, Isaiah 53:3-5, Alma 7:12, Moses 1:39)

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