Monday, January 4, 2021

DAY 87 of #100daysofJesus - Peter Denies Jesus

 DAY 87 of #100daysofJesus

On the night of Jesus' arrest, He told Peter that "this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice."
Peter replied not with sadness or self-awareness but with an air of infallibility, "Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended. Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee."
We know what happens.
Peter follows the mob after they arrest Jesus to keep an eye on what is happening. I'm sure he was confused and angry.
He denies knowing Jesus three times with "I know not what thou sayest," "I do not know the man," and "I know not the man."
The rooster crowed as Peter gave his third denial, and he remembered Jesus' prophesy. This was a low point for Peter who "went out and wept bitterly."
Research suggests that those who feel they are not susceptible to certain poor choices are more likely than others to fall prey to them. For example, those who feel like high pressure sales pitches would never work on them are more likely to cave and make the purchase than those who understand going into the sales pitch that they are susceptible.
Or as Luke Skywalker rightfully says to Darth Sidious: "Your overconfidence is your weakness!"
We lay the groundwork for our own fall and suffering when we believe in our own infallibility. When it comes to sin, I imagine a grin on the great deceiver's face when we think "I would never do that."
Peter's "fall" in this experience was the result of his reliance on his own abilities and over-confidence in his own mindset. He saw things as he believed them to be and not as they actually were.
We run the same risk in our own lives.
This is why self-awareness, humility, and reliance on Jesus Christ are so important for us in our lives.
If we recognize we are weak, fallible, and prone to mistakes, it will be much easier for us to ask for and receive strength through the grace of Jesus Christ to help us resist temptation and have the success we seek.
Don't trust in the arm of flesh. Don't try to go it alone. Seek and trust Jesus.
(Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75)

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