Thursday, October 15, 2020

DAY 10 of #100daysofJesus - Casting Out Devils


DAY 10 of #100daysofJesus
Jesus Christ is more powerful than Satan. In Day 3 I described how He had power to overcome all of the temptations that the adversary threw his way. Today I'll share two examples from the New Testament where Jesus exercised his priesthood power to cast out devils or unclean spirits from suffering people.
One such miracle occurred when a man was brought to him who suffered from three afflictions: possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb. I can't imagine the misery this man must have endured and the challenge he surely must have been to his family and friends. He and they must have lived in a state of constant fear and uncertainty. The news of a man capable of miracles gave them hope and the courage to seek out Jesus. In faith they came to Jesus seeking a miracle.
Jesus is compassionate and takes pleasure in healing. He is the Master Healer and will heal all who come unto Him. It was no different with this man. Matthew records, "and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, is not this the Son of David?"
The second example I want to share is His healing of Mary Magdalene. This healing is powerfully portrayed in Episode 1 of the show The Chosen (you can watch for free on VidAngel or BYUtv and I highly recommend this amazing tv series!).
In Luke 8 we read of "certain women" who were disciples of Jesus after having been "healed of evil spirits and infirmities." Mary was one of these women. According to Luke Jesus cast "seven devils" out of Mary. She became one of his closest friends and disciples, fully devoted to Him and His ministry from that time forth, even being the first to see the Resurrected Lord.
What can we learn from these events?
One lesson we learn is that Jesus is all powerful and able to work mighty miracles in people's lives. No challenge that you or I am struggling with is beyond Jesus' power to heal and help.
We also learn of Jesus' willingness to heal. Not only is He capable of miracles but He wants to perform them in our lives. This should fill us with hope and help us turn to Him in faith for the miracles and healing we all need in our daily lives.
I've seen that healing firsthand, both of physical and mental ailments, and I continue to witness Jesus' power and willingness to heal in my own life and in the lives of those I know. It's real and it's lifechanging!

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