Friday, October 16, 2020

DAY 11 of #100daysofJesus - Great Are the Words of Isaiah


DAY 11 of #100daysofJesus
"Great are the words of Isaiah."
This was said by Jesus when he was among the Nephites, as recorded in 3 Nephi 23 in the Book of Mormon. Jesus quoted extensively from the prophet Isaiah's writings and commanded the people to "search these things diligently." (I'm not sure why that command wouldn't also apply to us today!) Jesus explained that Isaiah "spake as touching all things concerning my people" and that "all things that he spake have been and shall be."
Jesus quotes Isaiah several times in the New Testament where Isaiah is also quoted by the Apostles at least 40 times. Other Book of Mormon prophets, such as Nephi and Jacob, also quote extensively from Isaiah.
As one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament, Isaiah saw in vivid vision the life and death of the Messiah as well as the events of the imminent scattering and eventual latter-day gathering of Israel. He saw the last days, in which we now live, and the events that would lead up to Jesus' return. More importantly, he wrote it all down!
The challenge comes in actually understanding what Isaiah wrote:
"A major difficulty in understanding the book of Isaiah is his extensive use of symbolism, as well as his prophetic foresight and literary style; these take many local themes (which begin in his own day) and extend them to a latter-day fulfillment or application. Consequently, some prophecies are probably fulfilled more than one time and have more than one application." (from Guide to the Scriptures)
As is true with all scripture, and especially with Isaiah, it can best be understood through the same Spirit with which it was written. There are also many resources available to help us understand these writings. Bruce R McConkie taught that "the Book of Mormon prophets interpreted the passages [of Isaiah] they used" and that as a result, "the Book of Mormon is the world's greatest commentary on the book of Isaiah."

If we will put in the effort to study and really seek to understand his words, our love for and knowledge of Jesus Christ will increase because Isaiah's prophesies center upon Him as the promised Messiah. We'll also have a better perspective about the events transpiring in these latter-days and greater confidence. We'll see how our day fits into God's plan for us, including the importance of the gathering of Israel.

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