Friday, October 9, 2020

DAY 4 of #100daysofJesus - Calling His Disciples


DAY 4 of #100daysofJesus

To me one of the early miracles in the New Testament was Jesus asking various men to essentially drop everything and follow Him - and they actually did it! These men had lives, occupations, hobbies, families, and friends. But they heeded Jesus' invitation. Would we do the same?

To Peter and Andrew, His invitation was simple, "Follow me," and the response was immediate, "they straightway left their nets, and followed him." When Jesus called James and John, they "immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him." These fishermen dropped everything to follow the Savior.

Matthew was sitting in his tax booth collecting taxes when Jesus said to him, "Follow me." As with the fishermen, "he arose, and followed him." In Luke 5 it adds that "he left all." Matthew had a lucrative profession, but that did not stop him from leaving it all behind to heed the Master's call.

The New Testament records additional invitations given to follow Jesus, and they are similarly simple, "Come and see" and "Follow me."

Do you think these disciples had any fear or doubts? Of course they did!

How will I provide for myself and my family?
Is this man Jesus really the Messiah?
And if so, why did he choose ME?
Am I good enough to follow Him?
Where are we going?
What is the plan?
Is this safe?

I love that Luke 5:10 records Jesus' answer to what Simon (and I'm sure the others) must have felt: "Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men." These words must have melted all concerns and worries because the next verse records that the four fishermen "forsook all, and followed him."

It's easy to read the above and think, "but that was just his closest disciples, his apostles; glad it was them and not me!" But don't get too comfortable.

As I will share tomorrow, based on his interaction with the young ruler, His invitation to "follow me" is really for everyone. 

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