Saturday, October 10, 2020

Day 5 of #100daysofJesus - The Rich, Young Ruler


DAY 5 of #100daysofJesus

Jesus' interaction with the rich, young ruler suggests that the invitation to follow Him is extended to everyone seeking eternal life.

He sought out Jesus with the sincere and burning question of his soul, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" How many of us have wondered that same question!

He tells Jesus that he has kept the commandments, checked all the boxes, and done everything taught under Jewish law. He then asks the important question we should all ask in both serious self-reflection and also earnest prayer, "What lack I yet?"

Mark describes, "Then Jesus beholding him loved him." This sets up the next invitation perfectly because it is clear that Jesus knows this man's heart and what impedes his continued progression. He knew it would be hard to hear, but He loved the man enough to make the invitation. Just as He had invited his disciples, He asks the man to forsake his riches and way of life and "come follow me."

This man was obviously looking for a "3 Simple Steps to Salvation" self-help book. He wasn't looking to make such a sacrifice but rather to check more boxes, and in this he was disappointed.

We don't actually know whether the rich, young ruler eventually chose to heed the call and follow Jesus - only that he "was sad... and went away grieved for he had great possessions."

Do our worldly possessions, titles, and self-importance get in the way of our discipleship? Are we willing to sacrifice to follow Jesus?

When we ask God the question, "What lack I yet?" and hear the response of "come follow me," how will we respond?

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