Tuesday, December 1, 2020

DAY 56 of #100daysofJesus - His Grace Is Sufficient

 DAY 56 of #100daysofJesus

Jesus Christ is the Fountain of All Righteousness and His grace is sufficient for each of us.
I love the teachings of Moroni in the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. In Ether 12:27-28 he teaches powerfully about Jesus' grace and how we need it to overcome our weakness, or fallen state.
I've found that scripture is much more meaningful when I can apply it to myself, so I personalized these verses and invite you to do the same:
"And if Brad will come unto me, Jesus Christ, I will show unto him his weakness. I give Brad weakness that he may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for him if he humbles himself before me; for if Brad humbles himself before me, and has faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto him. Behold, I will show Brad his weakness, and I will show unto him that faith, hope, and charity brings him unto me - the fountain of all righteousness."
All of us by virtue of being human have weakness; it's an inherent part of the mortal experience. This weakness is intended to bring us to Jesus for help and strength, and as we do so, His grace helps us overcome and become strong.
This doesn't mean our weakness will be taken from us. However, it does mean that our weakness can become a help rather than a hindrance, both for ourselves, personally, as it brings us to Jesus, and also for others as it helps us develop compassion.
Jesus overcame all things physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional so that He can help us do the same! Trust Jesus.

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