Wednesday, December 30, 2020

DAY 83 of #100daysofJesus - The Works of Jesus - Write them Down

 DAY 83 of #100daysofJesus

I doubt a day went by in Jesus' ministry where he was not serving others and performing miracles to bless others' lives. The Gospels are full of such stories.
The very last verse in the Book of John reads:
"And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written."
This is true in a sense even greater than perhaps John comprehended at the time he penned those words. The works of Jesus would not fit into all the books because they never ceased - they continue to this day in the lives of individuals throughout the world.
It's up to us to continue to write the Gospels by writing our own experiences with Jesus in our lives. Could we pass a greater gift on to our posterity?
Admittedly, I'm not very consistent at this. I do try to maintain a journal and record the experiences where I see God's hand in my life, but to be honest, I see His hand daily and write maybe monthly. So, it can also be said that there are also many other things which Jesus did in the life of Brad that are not written.
But why was it so important for the Apostles to write down Jesus' works? Why is it important for us to write them as well?
The point is not to capture a record for the sake of having a record of nice stories.
Reading about Jesus' miracles and works helps us increase our faith in Him. We believe that He loves us as much as He loved the Jews anciently, so if He so eagerly blessed, healed, and helped them, why would He not us now?
We read of Jesus' miracles, and it helps us better recognize His miracles in our own lives.
We read of Jesus' miracles, and it gives us confidence to ask for miracles and hope that they can happen in our own lives.
As we write down what we experience, we can pass that confidence and hope down to future generations. We can also reflect back on our experiences and receive strength from remembering them.
Have you seen the hand of the Lord in your life today? this week? this year?
Write it down!
(John 21:25)

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