Sunday, December 13, 2020

DAY 68 of #100daysofJesus - Crucibles

 DAY 68 of #100daysofJesus

Today I've been thinking about the word "crucible" and how 2020 has been a crucible year for many of us.
Most of us probably think of a crucible as the "container in which metals or other substances may be melted." But there is a second definition in the dictionary that really resonated with me:
"A situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new."
I also learned that the origin of the word "crucible" comes from Medieval Latin "crucibulum" or "a night lamp" and then originally from the Latin "crux" or "cross".
Our trials (our personal crucibles), if we allow them, can refine us into something completely new as we bump up against or mix with the challenges presented.
As we are in the midst of our trials, we can be a light to others by authentically sharing our experiences and allowing them to make us more empathic. Like glowing molten metal, our light can shine. As we allow our trials to turn our hearts to Jesus, our light can point others to Him as well.
This new understanding of the derivation of the word from the Latin "crux" also gave new meaning to Jesus' invitation to take up our cross and follow Him.
Jesus is inviting us to leap into our own personal crucible. Our crucible is a chance at personal transformation, a chance to become more like our Exemplar, Jesus Christ.
I want to look back at 2020 and this period of pandemic as a crucible of time for me where I relied on Jesus' grace to transform into a better version of myself.
It's been a hard year for me, but I trust that my tears of sorrow can be turned into tears of joy through my Savior, Jesus Christ.
I make the same invitation to you. Let this crucible of time transform you, through the grace of Jesus Christ, into the version of yourself that you want to become. It's possible! Trust Jesus.

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