Tuesday, December 15, 2020

DAY 70 of #100daysofJesus - Healing the Bent Woman

 DAY 70 of #100daysofJesus

Unfortunately, we do not know her name, but the poor woman had suffered for 18 years with a horrible infirmity. Her back was permanently bent or bowed, and she was unable to stand up tall and straight. This impacted every moment of every day and had for the past nearly two decades.
Jesus saw the woman and compassionately "called her to him" with a promise of healing. Next, "he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God."
The ruler of the synagogue was angry "because that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day." But Jesus stood his ground, "and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him."
But what about this woman? Imagine how her life just changed in a matter of minutes.
She obediently came to Jesus, which must have required some effort considering her bent condition, and then He healed her!
Leaving her old malady was liberating. She was truly a new woman with a new future, one that she could only have dreamed of minutes earlier. I suspect she quickly joined the group of Jesus' disciples, devoting her life to Christian service - how could she not?
Many of us go about our days stooped or weighed down with heavy burdens, busy with many things, and feeling trapped. Jesus is the answer. Come unto Him, as this woman did, and He can heal you.
I'm on day 70 of this challenge, and it may feel like this message has been repeated many many times.
Have you read the Gospels of the New Testament?
I don't think it's coincidental that they contain example after example of Jesus healing and blessing.
Why are there so many examples of Jesus healing? Why do I keep reiterating this message?
Because Jesus truly is the Master Healer with power to heal us and a desire to do so. And I've both experienced and witnessed His healing touch.
He invites us all to come unto Him and be healed. He heals all that He touches because that's His character and great pleasure. Trust Jesus, come unto Him, and be healed.
(Luke 13:11-17)

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