Monday, December 7, 2020

DAY 62 of #100daysofJesus - No Room in the Inn


DAY 62 of #100daysofJesus
"There was no room for them in the inn."
As Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, Mary could feel that her delivery was imminent. They desperately needed a place to stay. All the local inns were full due to the large crowd that had arrived to be taxed.
As we read in Luke 2, they ended up in a stable, and a manger was used for the baby's bed. It's hard to imagine more humble circumstances for the birth of a baby than a stable while traveling far from home.
What was significant about the innkeepers turning them away, and indirectly, turning Jesus away?
I believe any of those innkeepers would have let them in had there been space for them. What decent person would willfully turn away an expectant mother in her time of need?
The denial was likely not personal nor was it conspiratorial. Their inns were simply full, and a full inn cannot accommodate more.
We can apply this to our own lives.
Do we have room for Jesus?
Or are we too full of the cares of the world and other things to make space for Him?
How are we prioritizing our focus this Christmas season?
Or more importantly, how do we prioritize the focus of our lives?
I suggest that we should not only make space for Jesus but that we should reserve the BEST space in our lives for Jesus. This will look different for everyone. Give Jesus the presidential suite of your heart and life, not the dirty stable out back.
We could apply these same questions to our families and our homes. Is there room for Jesus?
Don't be the innkeeper. Make room for Jesus. Make the best room for Jesus. He's not just the reason for the season, HE IS THE REASON. PERIOD.
If we don't have room for Him, it won't ultimately matter what we did have room for. Jesus loves you. Trust Jesus. Let Him in.

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