Wednesday, December 23, 2020

DAY 78 of #100daysofJesus - Mary's Faith


DAY 78 of #100daysofJesus
Today I want to focus on Mary again. I know I wrote about her in days 59 and 60, but I believe her role in Jesus' life was profound and that she is a great example of faith for all of us.
Mary had little idea what awaited her when she replied to the angel, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."
From that moment, her life changed forever from whatever "plan" she had previously held in her mind. But she was willing to put God's will above her own.
Choosing God's will did not shield her from challenges but surely gave her peace in the midst of challenge.
The faithful Mary gave birth to her first child in a stable as a teenage, unwed mother. She lost her son for days when he was "about his Father's business." She watched the Jews and Romans crucify her perfect Son. She certainly understood trials.
Are we willing to embrace a Mary-like attitude and submit our wills and our futures to God?
Mary helped bring Jesus to the world in a literal sense, but we can also help bring Jesus to the world through our own devoted discipleship. The world needs Jesus. You and I need Jesus. He is our salvation.
I want to share the Pentatonix version of "Mary, Did You Know?" - one of my absolute favorite Christmas songs. Also, I enjoyed this "5-Minute Fireside" by the singer Calee Reed who also sings the great Christmas song "What Child Is This?" at minute 6. Check them out!!

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