Monday, November 2, 2020

DAY 28 of #100daysofJesus - Healing the Nobleman's Son

 DAY 28 of #100daysofJesus

Early in Jesus' ministry, a nobleman approached him to ask for a miracle. But this man was not just a nobleman, he was a father who was scared and worried sick about his dying son back home.
The nobleman traveled a good 20 miles from Capernaum to Cana to seek out Jesus, whom he had never met and of whom he had probably only heard rumors from previous miracles.
Perhaps testing the man, Jesus questioned his faith, but undeterred the man pleaded again, "Sir, come down ere my child die."
As a father myself, this man's plea tugs at my heart. I can feel his desperation and willingness to do anything to save his son.
Memories flood my mind of the multiple times I have sat in hospital rooms with my own children, praying earnestly for mercy and healing. From viral pneumonia to skull fractures, the feeling of helpless dependence on God for the healing of a child is difficult to describe. I remember the pleading, willing to do anything.
Jesus knew this nobleman's heart and rewarded his faith. Compassionately, he told the man, "thy son liveth." We learn that the man's son was healed that very hour.
Jesus is the Master Healer and a God of miracles. He is compassionate and willing to heal, help, and bless. Let us place our faith in Him and allow Him into our lives to heal whatever needs healing.
(References: John 4:46-54, Jesus the Christ by James Talmage (ch 13))

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