Sunday, November 1, 2020

DAY 27 of #100daysofJesus - Wine from Water

 DAY 27 of #100daysofJesus

If Jesus can make wine from water, what can he make of you?
Sometimes known as Jesus' first miracle, he saved the hosts of a wedding feast from great embarrassment by rescuing them from the devastating predicament of running out of wine. It may seem silly to us, but it was a big deal to them at that time.
Jesus didn't just snap his fingers and solve the problem. Faith was required. He instructed the bewildered servants to fill six stone water pots to the brim with water.
Next without tasting it, they were to serve it to the "governor of the feast" - probably the most important person at the party. This was a great risk, especially given they know they had poured water (not wine) into those pots!
But as John records, they listened to Jesus and faithfully "bare it" to the governor of the feast. The wine was declared to be "good" and even better than what was previously served.
We can learn so much from this simple story.
First, we worship a God of miracles who is interested in and willing to help us with the details of our lives. What are you worrying about? Do you ever feel trapped? Trust in Jesus and let Him help you!
We also learn that faith is a precursor to miracles. If the servants had refused to follow Jesus' instructions, or had modified them, I'm doubtful the miracle would have taken place. Faith is a principle of action; it is not passive belief. So we must trust God AND take the next step forward, even a faith-filled step into the darkness.
Perhaps the greatest miracle of our God is that of transformation. It is His great pleasure to work transformational change in our lives. He takes ordinary, common things (like water) and makes them extraordinary. It might take a lifetime for the change to occur as it is typically gradual, but the transformation does happen.
Jesus can make so much more of our lives than we can, if we let Him. The scriptures are full of examples of this - of ordinary men and women who trust God and accomplish extraordinary feats. Why should it be any different for you?
If you're like me, you might think, "but I'm just an ordinary guy/girl, what good can I do? How can I make a difference?"
Jesus didn't call his apostles from among the wealthy, powerful, or educated. Many of the greatest prophets came from poverty. They became mighty prophets as they trusted in God and took steps of faith to let Him transform them.
If you feel ordinary, maybe even inferior, welcome to the club! Most of us do. But I ask you again the question I started with:
If Jesus can make wine from water, what can he make of you?
(Reference John 2:1-11)

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