Tuesday, November 17, 2020

DAY 43 of #100daysofJesus - Fear Not


DAY 43 of #100daysofJesus
I love the story from the Old Testament of Elisha and the young servant.
One morning the young servant woke up and was terrified to find that that their city had been surrounded by a formidable enemy army ready to destroy them. He fearfully ran to Elisha and asked what they should do.
Elisha replied, "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them."
The young servant did not understand what he meant until his eyes were opened by the Lord. In that moment "he saw: and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." And they were protected from the threatening army.
It is as true with us today as it was with Elisha thousands of years ago. When we are on the Lord's side, we will always have the upper hand. We already know how the story ends - Jesus conquers Satan and righteousness prevails over wickedness.
Yet our vision is limited, and it takes real faith to expand it.
Michelle Craig spoke of this Old Testament story in her recent General Conference address and gave this inspiring commentary:
"There may be times when you, like the servant, find yourself struggling to see how God is working in your life—times when you feel under siege—when the trials of mortality bring you to your knees. Wait and trust in God and in His timing, because you can trust His heart with all of yours. But there is a second lesson here. My dear sisters and brothers, you too can pray for the Lord to open your eyes to see things you would not normally see."
It's my belief that Jesus overcame ALL things so that He can help us to overcome ALL things.
Our myopic mortal viewpoint often makes mountains out of what are really mole hills in the eternal scheme of things. This is not to diminish the reality of the pain and challenges we face; rather, I hope it can encourage us to pray for the Lord to lift our vision and give us perspective and hope.
Perhaps there's no greater time to put this to the test than while in the midst of a devastating, global pandemic.
Trust Jesus. Everything will work out. He's on your side and has your back.

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