Tuesday, November 3, 2020

DAY 29 of #100daysofJesus - Cast Your Net


DAY 29 of #100daysofJesus
Simon Peter labored all night fishing with his net and caught nothing.
I've gone fishing and been skunked. It can be discouraging. But I've never fished for my livelihood - to support my family or pay my debts. I imagine the feelings of desperation that propelled Peter to fight through his fatigue and continue fishing all through the night likely turned to despair and feelings of failure as the dawn began.
It was at this time, after returning to shore in surrender, that a stranger approached and instructed, "let down your nets."
Peter was tired and discouraged. He had tried each of his favorite fishing spots, the places most likely to catch fish, and all had failed him. Now a stranger - not even a fisherman - was telling him to cast his net in the shallows, where he knew there were no fish. It made no sense. And he was tired.
What would you do?
Somehow Peter suppressed the anger that would have naturally began to surface. Something was different about this man and his invitation. Something stirred Peter's soul.
Peter's excuses faded into faithful obedience, "at thy word I will let down the net."
And the result was a miracle.
So many fish were caught in the net that it began to break. Both Peter's boat and the one next to him were filled to the point of sinking with the great harvest of fish. It dawned on Peter that no mortal man could have done this - the stranger was the Messiah.
Sometimes we are exhausted and discouraged, and in these moments, faith is tried and obedience to God is challenged. However, it is in these defining moments that we must choose faith, even if reason scoffs.
The miracles that God has in store for those who believe will more than fill our fishing boats, the abundance will be greater than we can now imagine. Trust in Jesus.
(Reference: Luke 5:1-7)

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