Wednesday, November 11, 2020

DAY 37 of #100daysofJesus - Minister Like Jesus

 DAY 37 of #100daysofJesus

Peter summarized Jesus' ministry as follows:
"God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him."
Because Jesus has invited us to follow Him and become like Him, I believe there is much to learn about how to do that from Peter's brief summary.
God was with Jesus.
Jesus had power and the Holy Ghost.
Jesus "went about doing good."
Jesus healed "all that were oppressed of the devil."
First, God will be with us as we invite Him into our lives. John the Revelator put it this way: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
So how do we invite God in? It starts with desire and simply asking Him in prayer, and then leads to following Jesus and letting God prevail in our lives, as our prophet, Russell M Nelson, encouraged last month.
Second, we should receive Priesthood authority and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Men and women may receive Priesthood authority as they make and keep sacred covenants in God's temples and delegated authority through their respective callings. Men also receive the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood, which allows them to serve in Priesthood offices.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost is available to all who enter the waters of baptism and covenant to follow Jesus Christ.
Both the Priesthood authority and companionship of the Holy Ghost are freely offered to all who qualify themselves and keep themselves worthy of these precious gifts.
Third, we can all "go about doing good." Look around you, and I guarantee there is something good you can do for someone else. Selfless service is the hallmark of Christian discipleship. It not only lifts others but also uplifts your own soul.
Discipleship is much more than "not sinning" or "not doing the wrong" - it's about choosing to intentionally do good. Minister to others, gather Israel, love and serve those in your path, especially those within your own home.
Fourth, who isn't at times "oppressed of the devil" and needing healing? Can you relate? Jesus heals everyone - that is his character. As Jesus' disciples, we can also participate in this by listening, loving, and pointing others to Christ, the Master Healer.
We can also help heal our nations, communities, and neighbors by doing our part to promote unity, denounce injustice, and lead by loving example in how we treat those who are different than us.
Let God prevail in your life. Follow the Spirit. Do good. Promote healing. Follow Jesus.
(References: Acts 10:38, Revelation 3:20, "Let God Prevail" by Russell M Nelson in General Conference (Oct 2020))

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