Monday, November 16, 2020

DAY 42 of #100daysofJesus - Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

 DAY 42 of #100daysofJesus

Jesus told Peter, "I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven."
What did Jesus mean by that? Was there a physical key exchanged? (hint: no)
Let's read the rest of the verse. Jesus continues, "and whatsoever thou shalt bound on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
The keys of the kingdom are a presiding authority that would allow Peter to continue leading the Lord's work on the earth after His departure. In this case, the keys would enable Peter to effect sacred ordinances on earth that would be recorded and ratified in heaven. Peter as empowered to make decisions for the Church through revelation from God.
The actual bestowal of these promised keys would occur later on the Mount of Transfiguration where Moses and Elias appeared to pass down the keys. Later these sacred keys would again be restored to the earth to the prophet Joseph Smith in the 19th century.
The keys are certainly important from an organizational and administrative perspective, but even more so doctrinally. One of the greatest blessings is the sealing power governed by these keys.
I believe that families can be sealed together (bound on earth) in holy temples so that the relationship may perpetuate beyond the grave (bound in heaven). Because of this sealing power, I can be assured a future with my wife and children after this mortal life concludes.
This is one of the most beautiful doctrines in the gospel of Jesus Christ! This is the authority given to Peter with the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

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