Thursday, November 19, 2020

DAY 45 of #100daysofJesus - Healing Peter's Mother-in-Law


DAY 45 of #100daysofJesus
Another of the many healings performed by Jesus, the Master Healer, was for the mother-in-law of Simon Peter, one of his apostles.
Though only two verses were dedicated to this story, I believe it has great application to us.
She "lay sick of a fever" or as Luke described it "a great fever." She must have been very ill because they "besought him for her."
No doubt Peter's wife was well aware of the many miracles performed by Jesus, including healings. She had likely seen the transformation in her husband since his call to the ministry, and I picture her as a woman of great faith.
Peter had quit his "job" of fishing to follow Jesus as a disciple, which may have also carried economic impacts for their family. Maybe his wife had moved in with her mom during that time, or perhaps mom was staying with her. In either case, it was likely a very challenging, emotional time for Peter's wife, and she was desperate for her own miracle to save her mom.
Jesus came to Peter's mother-in-law, "took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her."
It's much easier to believe that miracles are something that happens to other people. We read about them in scriptures and magazines or hear their stories retold. We tend to insecurely believe that miracles only happen to strangers, often to those more deserving than ourselves, right?
This story debunks that myth completely.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, He will perform miracles in your life as well.
Peter had given up everything to follow Jesus. When his family needed a miracle, Jesus was there to provide it. He will always have the backs of those who follow and serve Him.
Pray for the miracles your family needs, and then follow Jesus with faith that He can help and that it is His great pleasure to do so. The touch of the Master's healing hand is not just for strangers but also for you. You are worthy and deserving - He loves you. Trust Jesus.
(References: Mark 1:30-31, Luke 4:38-39)

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