Saturday, November 28, 2020

DAY 54 of #100daysofJesus - Pearl of Great Price

 DAY 54 of #100daysofJesus

Jesus taught that "the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it."
As with any good parable, and all of those taught by Jesus, we may interpret this differently based on our life experiences and spiritual preparedness. For me, I see multiple applications.
First the "kingdom of heaven" often refers to Jesus Christ's church, which I believe to be the Church of Jesus Christ as it was anciently known and now distinguished by the additional "of Latter-day Saints" presently.
Many seek the kingdom of heaven because they believe in Christ and want to follow Him. When they are introduced to His church, learn of his doctrine, and have an opportunity to enter into covenants with Him, they realize its eternal worth. They are willing to give up anything and everything to be baptized and follow Jesus.
This is why people all over the globe are willing to accept teachings presented by our young missionaries. They give up vices, make significant lifestyle changes, and often make great sacrifices in the process. Why? Because they have found the pearl of great price.
I've watched this process unfold in people's lives. I've witnessed their joy as they've received their own testimony from the Holy Ghost that they have found the kingdom of heaven, and I've seen the sacrifices, great and small, they've willingly made to embrace it.
What would you give for this pearl of great price?
Another more personal interpretation for me is that Jesus is the Pearl of Great Price. I rejoice that I have found Him, and He has changed me. I would give up anything for that redeeming relationship. The inner peace of conscience, the understanding of God's plan for me, the assurance that I can have an eternal family are all worth any price to me.
Seek the Pearl, and when you find it, do whatever is required to buy it for that will make all the difference in your life now and eternally.
(Matthew 13:45-46)

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