Wednesday, November 4, 2020

DAY 30 of #100daysofJesus - Healing the Leper


DAY 30 of #100daysofJesus
What was significant about Jesus healing a leper while in Galilee?
Two thousand years ago a diagnosis of leprosy was a sentence to a lonely, painful death. The disease was considered incurable and contagious, and as such, those who had it were outcasts and forbidden to mingle with society. In fact, they were required to ring a bell and shout "unclean" to warn anyone who approached them.
This particular leper heard about the fame of Jesus, and with a renewed hope, determined to seek Him out. Breaking with societal custom, the leper recklessly approached Jesus, beseeching and begging on his knees for a miracle: "If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean."
Most men of that time would have angrily shooed off the leper, maybe even throwing stones at him until he departed. I'm sure Jesus' disciples were alarmed by the approaching leper. Perhaps they were ready to jump in and protect their Master from the diseased man. Didn't Jesus know what type of man kneeled before Him?
Yes. Of course he knew. It was a son of God that knelt before Him, full of faith and hope, suffering, pleading desperately for His help.
"And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed."
When was the last time anyone had touched this man? Everywhere he went he was met with fear and cautious distancing. Jesus was not worried about the leprosy or Jewish determination of "uncleanness". Jesus was concerned about the man.
Jesus is a God of compassion, love, and healing.
All of us have felt unclean at times. We've felt the shame that sin brings and the feelings of unworthiness to kneel before our maker. This healing clearly illustrates how God looks past our uncleanness and into our souls, seeing who we really are. He sees us as His precious sons and daughters. He sees us with compassion.
If you turn to God and ask Him to make you clean, what do you think the response will be? What is the message taught so clearly in the scriptures?
Because of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God's reply is the same for you: "I will; be thou clean."
If He is willing to touch, have compassion on, and heal a leper, He will certainly do the same for you, regardless of your infirmity.
Jesus, the Master Healer, doesn't see a "broken" you, though broken you may be or feel; He sees a YOU that is unquestionably worthy of His compassion and love.
Jesus is a God of miracles, and it is His great pleasure to heal you.

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